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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Financial Security


Frustrated. In trying to secure any kind of funding for this project of mine, I’ve only figured out that most companies aren’t too interested in funding an independent project like this. The companies that would potentially fund such a project require a body of work that gives an example of what is to be achieved. Well great, I don’t have squat when it comes to a coherent body of work; the main point was to get funding so I can work on this concept. It seems like this trip will solely be out-of-pocket for now and when I’m there I will work on this other Taiwan project. It’s going to be a lot larger of a project so I’ll need to spend my few months in Taiwan wisely to achieve a solid concept and treatment for the larger project to achieve funding. I hope you’re ready for round 2 Taiwan, cause I’ll be back after this trip.

Even with all that in mind, I guess I need to appreciate the fact that I can spend money on the ‘luxury’ of travel. Some people may not be so fortunate to travel overseas to try and accomplish dreams and of those who can, they generally save for ages before being able to afford such a trip. I was lucky enough to hold jobs throughout both my high school and college careers to save enough for the things I want. I just hope that being able to explore and share the world (well, Taiwan in this case) with the public will encourage others to do the same. And who knows, maybe I will be able to explore the world someday [before becoming an old fart]. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Thomas. I think you will find money for what you want to do despite companies not wanting to sponsor you. May it be from a freelance job or from family. Also travel has to be a priority. I try to have a foreign trip evey other year and I some how have the money. Keep in mind that I don't drive a fancy car, buy lunch every day or have cable TV. Do want you want in life and spend money on stuff that matters. Americans I often find piss away money too easily.
